Wednesday, November 20, 2024

OTHER SCHOOLS: Liberal Arts, Business, Finance & more

Here is how it works: 1) Account holders are legal residents or have filled appropriate forms in relation to foreign exchange. 2) Legal age and staff within Geotech University Learning Community Network organization. 3) Consent and read agreements related account holders and dissemination of publications. 4) Application file is not guaranteed for approval. 5) All investments are subject to risk and assumes no liability for market performance.



Investors have never been so pleased with return on. investments since portfolio managers JD strategically merged and mixed top performing stocks into categories of mutual funds. Our goal is to customize financial services in stocks, bonds, options, mutual funds and money market performance funds. 


^Lending at APR -Yield rates are subject to change.

^Terms of services may change based on market performance.

^Latest Financial Bank Information in Collateral FDIC Funds are Available 

^INTEREST or DIVIDEND are considered earned income and subject to end of the year Tax Form 1099 INT

INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO (IRA-Traditional / Roth / Educational, Stocks, Treasury Notes/Bills, Money Market or Mutual Funds) subjects to CAPITAL GAINS / DISTRIBUTIONS at the end of the year for Tax Form 1099 DIV 

Certificate Deposits (CD) are subject to early withdrawal penalties (1, 3, 6 month term/Maturity Date) and end of the year Tax Reportings.

Portfolio Management may require upfront fees, and prospectus, stipulated risk level (Aggressive- Conservative- No Risk to shareholders.